Eco-Friendly Office Money Savers

Julie Starr • Jun 16, 2021

All businesses can play their part in helping the environment. Making a number of small changes can have a large impact over the course of a year, and there’s always room to make more. And these changes can benefit your business even more if they help you save money too.

So what types of changes can your business make to save money while taking a more sustainable approach? Take a look at the following ideas for some eco-friendly office money savers.

Cut down on your energy use

Your office’s energy costs can be very high, especially if you waste a lot of energy. But taking a more proactive approach to cutting down your energy use could see those costs decline. Work out where your biggest energy consumption comes from and find ways of bringing it down. 

When replacing old equipment, make sure you replace it with equipment with lower energy consumption. Technology is constantly evolving, with manufacturers aiming to develop new ways of bringing down energy use from their products.

Encourage employees to think about their own energy use at work

While there are some fundamental changes you can make to your office energy use, there a lot of changes your employees can make that will not only help them think about their behavior at work but at home too. 

Some of the company-wide green policies you can implement are:

  • Avoid charging equipment during peak office hours – if items need charging, they can be done overnight when energy tends to be cheaper.
  • Encourage employees to turn things off at the mains when equipment isn’t in use, and when they leave the office.
  • Try to open windows and let natural air circulate instead of relying on the A/C constantly. 

Close the office at a set time

Setting a closing time for your office can bring a lot of benefits to your business. Not only can it stop your employees from working excessive hours, but you could also benefit from reduced operating costs. If you’re worried about changing business functions or a drop-in service, there are ways around this. Having a live call answering service can mean you can continue to take calls from customers and clients, even without a team based in the office. You could even consider finishing up early on Fridays (especially during the summer) to give your employees a reward, while also cutting down on some of your running costs.

Adopt energy-efficient and smart lighting

Office lighting is essential, but it doesn’t have to come at a high price. By adopting energy-efficient or smart lighting, you can save a lot of money over time, while also making sure you run a more sustainable office space.

You should also assess the lighting in your building – there could be areas where the amount of lighting is unnecessary due to being unused or near large window areas. 

Phase-out single-use plastic

You’ll have read about a lot of companies phasing out single use plastic , and if large corporations can do it, so can yours. Making a commitment to go plastic-free shows that your business is taking things seriously, making you accountable to your pledge. And it can start in your office.

From plastic cups and straws to finding alternatives to plastic packaging, there are different ways you can say goodbye to plastic for good. Learn lessons from other businesses to discover the innovative ways your business can get rid of single-use plastic.

Cut down on your travel

In light of COVID-19, more and more businesses have had to get on board with remote working. Even as things start getting back to normal, could you continue practices such as video conferencing to avoid meeting travel? It will reduce your costs significantly, and help you reduce your carbon footprint too.

You could also consider moving to a smaller office space if more of your employees will be working remotely – there’s no point maintaining a large space with heating, electricity, etc. if you’re not going to be at full capacity.

Becoming a more sustainable, eco-friendly business should be high on your priorities list. And if it saves you money at the same time, then that’s a fantastic bonus. Begin by making small changes to see how they can fit into your business, over time you can make even further changes that can help your company become one of the leaders for sustainability in your industry.

By Julie Starr 13 Sep, 2024
When you are looking to improve your company and the way it runs, one of the key things that you need to work on is helping it stand out. There are so many ideas that will help you with this, and it is important to consider the best ways of making this work better for you. Making your company stand out by making the relevant changes is something that you need to make the most of right now. It is important to consider some of the leading ideas that will help you make the most of this, and it is vital to focus on this process as much as possible. There are plenty of steps you can take that will help your company to stand out, and this is something that you need to focus on as much as possible. Packaging Makes a Difference One of the biggest ways of being able to make this process better is to use the right packaging. There are so many excellent ways of being able to make this work better for you, and this is something that makes a big difference. Getting the best possible product labels in order to help your packaging (and products) stand out is something that can make a major difference. There are so many elements that can help with this, and you need to think about the best ways in which your packaging can make a big difference to your business. Partner With Influencers One of the keys to making your company stand out is to make sure you pair with influencers who will be able to market your company to a wider audience. This is a key component of small business success, and can make a massive difference to the way your company comes across. Influencer marketing should be a key part of your marketing strategy, and this is something that you need to try to focus on as much as possible when it comes to making the most of this. Make Sure You Have a Cutting Edge Website There are so many things that play a role in helping your company to thrive and grow, and one of the biggest is to make sure you have the perfect website. This is something that you are going to need to think about moving forward, and making sure you hire the ultimate web design professionals is one of the best things you can do. This is going to help you market your company better, as well as presenting the perfect business professionalism, so this is definitely something you need to keep on top of. As you can see, these are some of the leading ways of being able to make your company stand out. There are so many factors that are going to help you focus on this process, and you need to be clear about what is involved. When it comes to making your business stand out, these are some of the leading ways of making your business more successful.
By Julie Starr 04 Sep, 2024
Having an organized, clean office is more than just making it visually appealing; it is also important for maintaining a healthy, productive, and sustainable work environment. Having a disorganized and cluttered working environment can lead to increased stress, decreased efficiency, and a negative impact on employee morale. On top of this, adopting sustainable cleaning practices can help minimize the environment you have for your business. Let's have a look at some of the tips on how you can keep your office space organized, clean, and eco-friendly : Declutter Frequently The first step towards keeping a clean and organized office is to declutter frequently. You should encourage your employees to regularly decrypt their desks by getting rid of any unnecessary items, old files, and papers. Try to implement a paperless policy where possible and digitalize anything that you can. Minimize the need for physical storage and help to keep the office space clear of clutter. You might want to consider setting aside a specific time each month, all week, for your team to tie you up their space. Promote Sustainable Cleaning Practices Sun cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals that can have a negative impact on the environment and your health. Make the switch to eco-friendly cleaning products that are non-toxic and biodegradable. You should make sure that any cleaning supplies that are used are sourced from sustainable and ethical companies. In addition, you may also think about using reusable cloths rather than paper towels and microfiber mops rather than single-use ones. Use Sustainable Facility Management Services It can be demanding to keep your office organized and clean, especially if you have a large space. Preparing with a professional facility management service can help you to keep your office in top condition and keep you on track for reaching your sustainability goals. Fernic Building Solutions could be the ideal cleaning and maintenance service for your business to keep on track. They can help you maintain a healthy, clean, and sustainable working environment. Keep Common Areas Organized One of the areas that tends to get the most messy is the common areas . This is because there is an increase in the number of people using the facilities. Areas like break rooms, meeting rooms, and kitchens need to be kept clean and organized at all times. It could be a good idea to designate a rotating schedule for your team so that they can make sure that these areas are tidied. Encourage your team to clean and pack themselves so that you can avoid them leaving personal items or food around. It could be a good idea to invest in energy-efficient appliances for spaces like the kitchen, too, as this can increase your sustainability as a business. Conclusion Maintaining an organized and clean office is essential for creating a healthy, productive, and sustainable workplace. Working with a business maintenance service that incorporates sustainable cleaning practices and optimizes waste management can help you create an environment that is healthy and sustainable. Start implementing these tips today so that you can improve your offer environment and support your business's sustainability goals.
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